100% of your generous support and contributions are used to directly fund the instructional requirements of OML’s programing for each person being trained. OML believes that each individual has valuable potential, no matter what challenges that individual faces. No effort will be spared to bring out the full potential of every individual we train with personalized instruction. OML is not simply a training program; it is a training program of, and for, individuals. This encompasses materials, supplies, and occupational and vocational tools specific for each developmentally-challenged trainee. These funds are also being used to help provide training insights and instructional insights for families in many regions of the country, who have no access to appropriate training programs for their children, or who cannot afford to pay for services to train their children.
No member of our directing staff receives any financial payment for his or her services. We do this out of service to a Higher calling and sense of ethics.
As a result of OML’s expansion of mission to help solve the adult residential problem facing these developmentally-challenged individuals across the nation, a percentage of all donations will now be used to help in the development of compassionate and self-sustaining residential skill-training models, and address the needs of that segment of the population that until now has been ignored due to their being more profoundly-challenged due to inadequate educational training, or the unfortunate stigma of having "behaviors". These models will be based upon OML's successful life-long productivity approaches, which can be used in various settings around the nation. OML is seeking to build a first operational model in the very near future by working with families in dire need of a compassionate and safe, life-long residential option for their adult children, or siblings. OML is committed to assisting ALL individuals across the developmentally-disabled spectrum. No matter what the extent of the challenges faced by an individual, he or she can be a valuable resource for, and member of, our society, and deserves our investment of time and effort.
We, the staff and trainees at Operation Meaningful Life, thank you from the depths of our hearts.
Operation Meaningful Life is a 501c3 tax exempt organization. Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.
If you wish to send a check or money order, please make it payable to Operation Meaningful Life, Inc. at the following address:
Operation Meaningful Life, Inc
P.O. Box 551071 Jacksonville, Florida 32255