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A Message From Michael December 25, 2017
Michael Stuart
Admin · December 25, 2017 at 5:39pm
Greetings to everyone; and blessings to you all during this holiday season. Sorry for the delayed posting, but since Thanksgiving OML has been busy formulating additional skill categories, while generating new methods to make these categories successful in our training program.
We have had many questions since our last posting. A number of questions pertain to training individuals for work in the general community, particularly if there could be a concern about a "behavior" arising. Typically, training programs would not allow such an individual into the community setting, and often not allow him or her into the program, at all. OML trains for the particular work environment that is being addressed. We do not ask the environment to modify its operations; rather, we train the individual to transition successfully into that environment. We take into account the full sensory aspects of the specific environment, together with the attributes and challenges of the individual, and train according to those aspects. Of course, EACH environment must be weighed in light of EACH individual. It sounds like a monumental programing approach, and it is; but, is that not what programing should be in order to bring out the abilities of the individual? So too, the program is designed to make the individual's learning easier and more effective. Keep in mind that OML is dedicated to including those unfortunately categorized in the "lower-half" of the disabled spectrum. It is well worth the extra effort on our part. This is why our trainers, too, must be of exceptional quality and dedication.
A number of you have asked when we will be set up to accept financial donations, as we are a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3). To date, we have not accepted any financial donations, as we have had no real need to. None of our directing staff accepts salary, and only the trainers have been paid for their services. We believe in paying our trainers more; so we directors take nothing. We hope to have our donation system ready shortly; but again, NONE of our directing staff will accept any payment for their services. It is just the way we are. Now, though, that so many of families have approached us in dire need of better residential options and models, particularly for those unfortunately categorized in the "lower-half" of the spectrum, donations, when requested, will be used to produce residential models which are much more welcoming to individuals across the entire spectrum, together with a programing outreach to help families and educators across the nation.
By the way, the football photo is showing a new skills-training method that connects to other program categories. As mentioned in an earlier posting, OML has devised a generalization approach based on a "connect-the-dots" instruction. Yes, what you see in that photo is actual training for other program areas of lifespan productivity.
Thank you, everyone, for being part of our group; and have a blessed holiday season. All the best to you.